D&D 5e: Human Druid Guide

D&D 5e: Human Druid Guide

Many of you may have read the Animorphs books at some point in history, and if you haven’t you’ve likely imagined how easy it might be to get out of this meeting if you could just turn into a bird and fly away, or how easily you might go unnoticed as a dog or a cat. Perhaps you’ve seen the raw power in a hunting lion or the nimbleness of an ape. 

This ability to transform, and indeed the closeness to nature that’s even more difficult to experience in the modern-day, is something that druids specialize in, and that makes them of particular appeal, especially to those so curious and versatile as us humans. Let’s explore the topic of Human Druids.

The Human race AND the Druid class can be found in the Player’s Handbook. Click here to pick up your own copy of The Player’s Handbook!

How to Make a Human Druid

Druids favor wisdom as their main stat for both spellcasting and class features, so that should be your top priority. Using shillelagh you can also make attacks using your spellcasting abilities instead of strength, and wild shape will allow you to turn into animals that make up for what you physically lack. That said, you won’t always be in your animal form so I’d prioritize dexterity after wisdom to give you a better armor class and the ability to make ranged attacks (which will work nicely with spells like magic stone), and constitution and intelligence after that, with charisma last. If you’re playing a variant human, consider a feat that plays into your druid circle.

Each druid circle has a specific focus, so which one you pick will depend on what you want. Circle of Wildfire plays a little closer to a wizard for example, while the Circle of Stars gives great damage and healing options while adding more choice to your playstyle. The Circle of the Land lets you focus on a particular environment, much like a ranger, while the Circle of the Moon buffs your wild shape.

How to Play a Human Druid

While wild shape is a very strong asset in the arsenal of any druid, it’s not all you have. As mentioned earlier, shillelagh gives you some melee prowess, and cantrips such as magic stone will allow you to participate easily in ranged combat too and give an actual reason to use the sling. 

Your spells are a little bit like ranger spells in the sense that they often specialize in controlling the battlefield and buffing your allies or debuffing enemies. Circles such as the Circle of Wildfire acquire a pet that you command as well. Tasha’s optional rules introduce a familiar-like creature you can summon. Consider how you might use these to your advantage in combat to control the arena.

How to Roleplay as a Human Druid

As a human, there are few places you won’t fit into, however, druids are beings focused on balance and that might give you interesting motives that are either counter to the society you’ve come from or supportive of it.

Did you grow up in the wilds, or did you come from a village or a city? Were you always this close to nature, or did that develop over time? You needn’t be a loner in your endeavors either, you could also be part of an organization. Think of contacts your character may have met in their life, people that know of their mission, or who might aid them. Talk to your DM about referencing these individuals.

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