D&D 5e: Take A Major In Fireball With The Strixhaven Initiate Feat

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D&D 5e: Take A Major In Fireball With The Strixhaven Initiate Feat

SOURCE: Strixhaven; A Curriculum of Chaos

Rating the Benefits of Strixhaven Initiate

Benefit #1 – 

Choose one of the five Strixhaven Colleges. Gain two cantrips and one 1st level spell based on the choice of college. 

Between the five colleges, (Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix, Silverquill, and Witherbloom) a character has 12 cantrips and almost the entire 1st level spell library to choose from, which is a ton of flexible power. 

Benefit #2 – 

The 1st level spell can be cast once per day for free, and recast using a character’s existing spell slots. The spellcasting stat for the spell is chosen when a character gains this feat, either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. 

One free cast of the 1st level spell is exactly in line with other casting feats. Being able to recast is a nice touch that some feats, especially those published early in 5e’s life cycle, don’t have. 

Lastly, the ability to freely choose the casting stat a character uses is incredible, especially considering many feats are really limited here. 

Magic teacher casting an enchantment in a classroom with flying books and excited students.

Mechanics and Requirements

Understanding How It Functions

For anyone who hasn’t read the book, (or played Magic the Gathering,) Strixhaven isn’t just a fancy name for a series of feats. It’s an entire plane, built around a single massive magical school, and the five variants of this feat are based on the five major Colleges of Strixhaven. 

Each college is built around a theme, and the cantrips and spells granted by the feat shift depending on which college is chosen. Your choice of college matters, especially if your build will eventually take the Strixhaven Mascot feat. 

The next part of this guide breaks down the important distinctions between the colleges, including cantrip options (a character can pick 2 of the available 3) and which class lists the 1st level spell must be drawn from. 



Light – For a party without Darkvision, having free access to a magical lantern that can be attached to any item is a lifesaver. 

Sacred Flame – While it only does mediocre damage, Sacred Flame’s damage type is excellent, it targets a good save, and it can be used in melee range without any issues. Solid and reliable. 

Thaumaturgy – Compared to its peers, Prestidigitation and Druidcraft, and even as a base cantrip, Thaumaturgy is mostly disappointing. The list of effects is minor, and most of these things simply aren’t useful. If you want to take this for flavor, absolutely, but for effect, this isn’t great. 

Choose one 1st Level Spell from the Cleric or Wizard list



Fire Bolt – Firebolt is a solid, dependable ranged damage option for most characters that has one of the highest base damage dice for any cantrip in 5e. The only real issue is the fact that so many enemies will have resistance against fire damage. Even so, still good. 

Prestidigitation – Zero combat potential, but probably the single most useful and fun cantrip in the game in terms of utility. Prestidigitation has a use in almost every circumstance a party will come across. 

Ray of Frost – Slightly lower damage and range than Firebolt, but Ray of Frost comes with a slowing effect that doesn’t require a saving throw, only that a character scores a hit, as well as a slightly better damage typing. 

Choose one 1st Level Spell from the Bard or Sorcerer list



Druidcraft – Pick from a small list of mostly utility effects. Unfortunately, most of the options can be achieved by a party’s standard equipment.

Guidance – Possibly the most directly powerful cantrip in the game, Guidance effectively adds an average of 2.5 to every skill and ability check the party takes outside of combat. In a well-balanced party, someone should always have this available. 

Mage Hand – There’s a lot that can be done with a 30ft range telekinetic hand. Solving puzzles or grabbing items the party can’t get to are two of the most obvious.  

Choose one 1st Level Spell from the Druid or Wizard list



Sacred Flame – While it only does middling damage, Sacred Flame’s damage type is excellent, it targets a good save, and the fact it can be used in combat without issue means this is a reliable attack cantrip. 

Thaumaturgy – Compared to its peers, Prestidigitation and Druidcraft, and even as a base cantrip, Thaumaturgy is mostly disappointing. The list of effects is minor, and most of these things simply aren’t useful. If you want to take this for flavor, absolutely, but for effect, this isn’t great.

Vicious Mockery – Stylish and powerful, Vicious Mockery is normally only available only to the Bard, so opening up disadvantage on an attack plus a little bit of damage to every casting class is very powerful.  

Choose one 1st Level Spell from the Bard or Cleric list



Chill Touch – Average damage in a good type, average range, and utility anti-healing and ani-undead effects are a surprisingly wide list of perks for a simple attack cantrip. Chill Touch is good.  

Druidcraft – Pick from a small list of mostly utility effects. Unfortunately, most of the options can be achieved by a party’s standard equipment. 

Spare the Dying – Upside. This cantrip can stop someone from dying. Downside. That’s all it does. There are few times when the party won’t have a better healing option available. 

Choose 1st Level Spell from the Druid or Wizard List

Key Stats

The Strixhaven Initiate feat doesn’t provide any boosts to stats, but when choosing the feat, a character has to pick either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. 

The spells cast with this feat use the stat bonus of your chosen stat for save DCs, attack rolls, etc

Ideal Characters for Strixhaven Initiate

Top Classes

Wizard – A spellcasting feat that favors the Wizard? Who would have thought it? More cantrips, especially things like Guidance, are incredibly powerful in the spelliest of spellcasting classes. 

Honestly, unless there’s a specific angle you’re heading toward, Bless and Healing Word are almost essential pick ups using Strixhaven Initiate. The healing especially is incredible on a class that has a million spell slots to spend but doesn’t otherwise gain a way to stop their allies from bleeding all over the ground. 

Barbarian – Support cantrips don’t need stats to function, and neither does Bless or Shield of Faith, which are likely to stay up considering the Barbarian’s colossal Constitution helps to pass concentration saves. 

These benefits synergize perfectly with the Zealot subclass but can work with any build. Failing that, take a healing spell. The Barbarian might just be the only party member left standing after a fight. Preventing the actual healer from dying could be the difference between success and a party wipe.  

Warlock – The Warlock class has a very limited spell list, an incredibly narrow amount of spell slots per day, and suffers on cantrip choices, as every Warlock basically has to take Eldritch Blast. 

Strixhaven Initiate helps to solve all of these problems, while also adding a fun angle to a character and their relationship with the patron who gives them their mystical edge. 

Multiclassing Considerations

Race or Subrace Choices

Variant Human – Grab the feat at level 1, where it’s going to feel a lot more relevant. Importantly, this also allows the character to pick up Strixhaven Mascot at level 4 if that’s the chosen route for your build.

Tiefling – Racial spellcasting, resistances, and Darkvision are a great package for casters. 

Combos, Tactics, and Synergies

Complementary Feats

Strixhaven Mascot – Strixhaven Mascot is the follow-on feat from Strix Initiate. We have a full guide on the subject, which you can find here. [LINK IT!] 

Ritual Caster – Between Strixhaven Initiate and Ritual Caster, any character can learn the best way to swish and flick their wands, and other subtle intricacies of magic.  

Spells that Synergize

Considering Strixhaven Initiate is a magic-granting feat, if you want spells that synergize, you should probably just pick them. 

Strategies for Maximizing Strixhaven Initiate Effectiveness

A Quick Primer on Spell Choices for Strixhaven Initiate


  • Command: Combining a wide list of potential uses with strong scaling, Command is a great spell for non-casters, and even stronger on full casters who otherwise don’t have access to it. 
  • Dissonant Whispers: Reasonable damage for a 1st level spell, that forces an enemy to move away from the caster and triggers opportunity attacks into the bargain.  
  • Healing Word: The bonus action cast time, and 1st level slot make this easily the best combat healing spell in the game. 
  • Silent Image: A flexible, surprisingly useful level 1 illusion. 
  • Silvery Barbs: Force disadvantage on an enemy roll, then give advantage to an ally, on a reaction? Many people consider Silvery Barbs a little too powerful. They might even be right. 


  • Bless: +d4 to saves and attack rolls for 3 creatures is incredibly strong. Parties still use Bless at the high levels, and the fact this is just as powerful for non-spellcasters makes it an exceptional choice.  
  • Command: Combining a wide list of potential uses with strong scaling, Command is a great spell for non-casters, and even stronger on full casters who otherwise don’t have access to it. 
  • Healing Word: The bonus action cast time, and 1st level slot make this easily the best combat healing spell in the game. 
  • Shield of Faith: +2 AC for up to 10 minutes is well worth concentration in the early levels, and that long duration makes this ideal for non-spellcasters to throw on someone before a big fight. 


  • Absorb Elements: A solid defensive button that halves damage on some of the biggest effects that can take out a character. 
  • Entangle: Creating no-save difficult terrain is already a good effect. Possibly restraining every creature inside is an instant win, if it happens to go off. 
  • Faerie Fire: Advantage against enemies who fail their save in a big area, plus possible bonuses against invisible foes. 
  • Healing Word: The bonus action cast time, and 1st level slot make this easily the best combat healing spell in the game. 
  • Longstrider: Increase all of a target’s speeds by 10ft for an hour. Long duration and no concentration make this a dependable, widely useful buff. 


  • Absorb Elements: A solid defensive button that halves damage on some of the biggest effects that can take out a character. 
  • Shield: +5 AC as a reaction pushes many attacks into the miss category. Good on anyone. Great on already tanky characters who don’t have access to this. 
  • Silent Image: A flexible, surprisingly useful level 1 illusion. 
  • Silvery Barbs: Force disadvantage on an enemy roll, then give advantage to an ally, on a reaction? Many people consider Silvery Barbs a little too powerful. They might even be right. 


  • Absorb Elements: A solid defensive button that halves damage on some of the biggest effects that can take out a character. 
  • Cause Fear: Fear is a very powerful effect, and the amount of targets scales with spell level. Incredible on characters with leveled slots to upcast. 
  • Find Familiar: Familiars are amazing in 5e, offering party utility, safe scouting, and a ton of flavor all rolled up in one adorable package. After all, who doesn’t like having a pet magical rabbit? Plus this gives the Barbarian an excuse to Rage when an enemy stabs it.
  • Shield: +5 AC as a reaction pushes many attacks into the miss category. Good on anyone. Great on already tanky characters who don’t have access to this. 
  • Silvery Barbs: Force disadvantage on an enemy roll, then give advantage to an ally, on a reaction? Many people consider Silvery Barbs a little too powerful. They might even be right. 

Why not just take Magic Initiate?

A cursory glance over both Magic Initiate and Strixhaven Initiate shows that they’re at least somewhat similar. 

Both feats offer two cantrips, backed up by a single first-level spell. Except Strixhaven limits you to specific cantrips and two spell lists for your spell choice. 

So why would someone limit themselves like this, and not just take Magic Initiate?

There are three major reasons:

First, the 1st level spell gained from Strixhaven Initiate can be recast with any existing spell slots. Magic Initiate does not let you do this. If you’re choosing a spell that’s probably going to be cast multiple times per day, but isn’t on your spell list (Silvery Barbs and Healing Word spring to mind here…) then that’s a major reason to grab this feat over other options. 

Secondly, Strixhaven Initiate lets you choose your casting stat. This allows things that simply are not possible with any other feat. For example, you could choose a spell that’s only ever accessible to Wisdom casters, for example, Zephyr Strike, then glue it into your Intelligence-using Eldritch Knight or Charisma-focused Blades Bard. 

We’ll also say again here that one of the best uses for this feat is to grab healing on a class that traditionally doesn’t get access to it, mostly the Arcane Casters. 

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you might want the Strixhaven Mascot feat. We don’t blame you. It’s a strong, fun feat, and Strixhaven Initiate is a necessary prerequisite to taking it.   

Final Thoughts on Strixhaven Initiate

Strixhaven Initiate is a fantastic feat. You can think of it as a variant of the Magic Initiate feat, with some new flavor and its own quirks. There are three real scenarios for when a character should pick this up:

  • You’re playing in a Strixhaven campaign. If that’s the case, your GM has probably already fired the appropriate backgrounds at you. These give you the feat for free.
  • You’re looking for spells that are granted by this feat, especially if you need a variant casting stat. The fact that the casting stat of the spells is freely chosen opens up some serious build flexibility for a lot of classes. 
  • You want the Strixhaven Mascot feat. This feat builds on what’s already granted by Strixhaven Initiate, granting a superpowered familiar to the character and their party. 

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