D&D 5e: Simic Hybrid Race Guide

D&D 5e: Simic Hybrid Race Guide

Simics are a race created out of another race. They’re humans, elves, and veldakens physically altered with additional parts to be more capable. They live in sinkholes called Zonots in Ravnica and reside as a community led by a Simic guild master. 

Simic Hybrids do not have a concrete alignment as each comes from different races and different backgrounds. Yet, they do uphold two principles -that sometimes conflict- Upwelling (Advocates for the new and renewed to take the place of the old and exhausted in an endless cycle, offering constant regeneration and rejuvenation.) and Holdfast (It promotes the concept that nature will evolve if left alone towards improved strength and adaptive qualities. Nature will thrive and grow, and each thing will find its place.).

Epic – Definitely! Absolutely! Just YES!

Good – You can. It’s not perfect but it’ll be great too.

Meh – I guess you could but it won’t be as good.

Bad – You shouldn’t! You can but you’d waste a lot of potential.

Simic Hybrid Traits

-Straight out of the handbook list the attributes, racial features, etc.

  • ASI: +2 Constitution, +1 ASI of your choice

  • Description:

    • Age:  Simic Hybrids are created at adulthood from either humans, vedalkens, or elves. Their maximum life expectancy is probably reduced due to body alterations.

    • Height: Medium

    • Walking speed: 30” ft

    • Appearance: In physical appearance, they greatly vary but they are characterized as a human, elf, or veldaken that has merged or parts of certain aquatic creatures. This can range from crab or lobster claws, tentacles, pectoral fins, actual fins, etc. So the possibilities are endless so long as it fits the aforementioned description.

    • Language: You can speak, read, and write in 2 languages of your choice.

Best Classes and Archetypes for Simic Hybrid


  • A class for people who enjoy tinkering, creating, and adding extra effects or features to things and weapons. Artificers will be content with the +1 because Intelligence racial boosts are pretty uncommon. The carapace subrace is a nice choice for squishier classes, but it will be useless if you choose to become an Armorer artificer.

  • Alchemist – The Alchemist complements the Artificer`s recovery and helps competencies without affecting the class`s typical functionality. There are potions for speed, fearlessness, durability, flying, transformations, or even injuring with the aid of using default; you may produce lots of them (homebrewed in case your DM permits). 

  • Armorer -It`s a class for people who choose a martially focused Artificer just like the Battle Smith but do not need to address a robotic pet. The Armorer focuses on improving magical armor that will help you deal extra damage. Without a question, it is the maximum tanky preference on hand to the Artificer.

  • Artillerist – The Artillerist has a lot of capability as a tank and support. Their armory includes guns, cannons, explosives, a flame thrower, and a variety of other weaponry. Cannons can be used to attack or defend teammates, and the Artillerist spell set includes several unique spells that correspond to the subclass’s theme.

  • Battle Smith – Instead of Strength or Dexterity, the Battle Smith allows the Artificer to rely on Intelligence and Constitution. It allows players to battle in melee with a steel pet. The extra constitution you have will assist, but you’ll need a little more to be effective as a Battle Smith.


  • These warriors are more than simply steroid-fueled fury. They are primarily focused on tanking, defending, and dealing melee damage, though some subclasses can cast spells. You already have the Constitution so it’s best to use that bonus ASI for Strength. Nimble Climber, Grappling Appendages, and Carapace are all fantastic options for the Barbarian.

  • Ancestral Guardian – These Barbarians can call upon the spirits and force of their forefathers (ancestors) to fight with them and their companions. During the battle, they excel in tanking and defending.

  • Battlerager – DWARF EXCLUSIVE

  • Beast  These warriors can produce and rip your adversaries apart with their teeth, claws, and tail. It is unknown whether it nulls the Simic’s additional parts but likely it can be used as an additional asset.

  • The bite can be used to heal oneself. 

  • Each of your hands morphs into a claw that may be used as a weapon if it’s empty, and you can perform one more claw attack as part of the same action. 

  • You sprout a lashing, spiky tail that you may swipe with your reaction and roll a D8 for it.

  • Berserker It’s great for going into a frenzy of rage and power, but it’s also exhausting (exhaustion can make you sloppy after). If your DM allows it, you can simply modify it to something else, such as penalty points, or have it erased entirely. Even though none of the components are unique or creative, this subclass is straightforward and effective.

  • Depths -These barbarians can withstand the ocean’s icy depths (and cold in general). To strike their opponents, they feed on the anguish and misery of individuals who perished or went missing at sea. Unfortunately, a pirate or water-themed campaign would be better for this subclass but still pretty good for a sea-creature-blend-humanoid.

  • Juggernaut – Field control is a juggernaut’s strong suit. They’re warriors driven by a desire to conquer and fight. Even if it is heavy-handed in execution, fighting creatures with superior protection and attack can be difficult.

  • Storm Herald -A Barbarian with features according to the “Environment” you choose, which you can change at any level. You might not be able to level up at the best possible time, and you’re rarely informed of the dangers that lay ahead. It’s still mechanically fascinating, and it’ll keep you and everyone else with you entertained.

  • Totem Warrior -On the spiritual Path of the Totem Warrior, the Barbarian acquires a spirit animal as a companion, guardian, and encouragement. Your totem spirit grants you incredible combat strength, fueling your barbarian rage with magic. Totem Warrior is a touch more flexible than other Barbarian subclasses because there is so much customization, but it’s also more difficult to play.

  • Bear – any creature that is a danger to them, within 5 feet, and sees/hears/fears them, gets a disadvantage in attack rolls. Unfortunately, unless it was intended- this makes them the prime target of their enemies but they do get resistance to ALL damage while raging except psychic, which helps with that.

  • Eagle – their flying speed is equal to their race’s walking speed. It’s pretty handy as it gives extra mobility.

  • Elk –  They can use a bonus action during their move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature, using a knockback effect on enemies as you pass through their space.

  • Tiger – Jumping at least 20 feet towards a target right before making a melee weapon attack. 

  • Wolf – They can use a bonus action with their melee weapon attack on their turn to knock down.

  • Wild Magic – As beings with tremendous instincts, barbarians are particularly prone to these wild consequences, with some barbarians being transformed by the magic. For those who enjoy their experiences to be fully unpredictable, Wild Magic Barbarian is a wonderful choice. Add some unusual magic to your conflicts by getting an unexpected advantage each time you rage, allowing you to accomplish amazing things like teleport.

  • Zealot – The Zealot is a great option for adventurous players or those who die a lot, as they are enthusiastic about killing and can be restored without the use of expensive ingredients. Unfortunately, dying and rising from the dead would become- at times- an inconvenience.


  • Often seen as the cheerleaders, artists, musicians, and team support, but don’t be fooled as this class has many skilled thieves, assassins, and spies. Simic Hybrids can make for great melee bards with their Grappling, although Carapace is usually a better choice.  Their Animal Enhancements can save you some spells.

  • Creation – Harmony, rhythm, and music are all aspects of creation, and these Bards use them to create anything out of nothing. Because part of the College of Creation’s class qualities are tied to Performance of Creation, you and your DM must understand the details. When abused in combination with spells like Creation or Fabricate, it can produce unintended and uncontrollable results.

  • Eloquence – The College of Eloquence provides a significant increase to the Bard’s Bardic Inspiration. Bards are generally excellent support casters, but now they are even better. Other bard schools emphasize extra features like Bardic Inspiration, whereas College of Eloquence focuses on the bard’s indisputable mastery of Charisma-based skills.

  • Glamour -These Bards transform into brilliant appearances and fascinate crowds utilizing the Feywild’s abilities. College of Glamour is an excellent support caster with a mix of support and charming effects but lacks offensive and defensive abilities. This, of course, is nothing your extra parts can’t help with.

  • Lore – Still one of the best flexible classes in the game. According to College of Lore, the bard’s supposed ability to utilize weapons is less important than their other skills, magic, and the capacity to humiliate adversaries with Cutting Words.

  • Maestro – For these Bards, music, and environment are more than what grabs our ears and minds. After all, everything from social relationships to battle is influenced by the surroundings. More mental and emotional harm, repair, and manipulation are carried out as opposed to physical harm.

  • Swords – College of Swords students are the most daring of the Bard subclasses, performing sword swallowing, knife dance, and even mock duels. Don’t be deceived by their appearance; these bards are excellent in melee combat and are well-known assassins, thieves, and informants. Unfortunately, it drains your Bardic Inspiration dice in exchange for mediocre skills and a slight damage boost.

  • Valor – Bards as brave as the heroes whose stories they recount. They’re like the College of Swords, but with more weapon and armor skills and less flair. These Bards are known for their prowess in melee, although they are still potent spellcasters.

  • Whispers – College of Whispers specializes in deception and trickery, making it ideal for a game that emphasizes diplomacy and roleplaying over dungeons and combat. It isn’t the best at fighting, but it shines in social situations as most bards do.

Blood Hunter

  • Casters who practice the illicit art of blood magic are known as blood hunters. Despite the “gory” nature of their power, they want to utilize it to defeat evils both near and far. Although the increase in your ability score is advantageous, the class does require a high level of Intelligence and Dexterity. Still, it’s a workable class for the Simic Hybrid plus some of the subclasses grant you more extra parts.

  • Ghostslayer – The Ghostslayers are the Blood Hunters’ earliest known and most conventional members, dedicated to destroying undeath wherever it may be found. They are curse specialists who are immune to necrotic damage.

  • Lycan -They gain the capacity to change their look beyond animal-like traits as they level up. Despite their prowess in melee combat, losing control can cause them to rip apart not only their opponents but also those around them. These Blood Hunters have enhanced immunity and powers, but they cannot be used by their party or others. 

  • Mutant – In addition to their unlicensed skill in blood magic, these Blood Hunters practice another outlawed art called mutagencraft, which can temporarily transform them beyond animal-like traits as they advance. They are similar to the Lycan Subclass in that, aside from metamorphosis, they have distinct benefits and immunity. They don’t have to worry about losing control.

  • Profane Soul – Blood Hunters that have a Warlock concept but without the patron or requirement of scheduled sacrifices or a ritual.  They form alliances with lesser evils to improve their ability to combat the greater evils. They can stack Hex and Rite to increase all weapon attacks by 2d6 or 3d6 if the Mark curse is utilized.



  • Healers decked in heavy armor may not be as capable as fighters when it comes to weaponry but can call upon divine power to smite their foes. While Constitution is often beneficial, many Clerics favor Wisdom. Regardless, the Simic Hybrid’s ability score remains strong, and its characteristics are extraordinary. Carapace won’t work with heavy armor, and if you’re looking for a heavy armor build, you’ll be in combat more often, therefore Grappling Appendages is a better choice.

  • Arcana -Arcana Domain Clerics have access to the Wizard spell list, which expands the party’s support options. They’re essentially a wizard without thorough research and years of study. The best opponents for this subclass are celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.

  • Blood – Blood manipulation is an intriguing but morbid skill that revolves around controlling the vital force that flows through the veins of most creatures, blood. These Clerics are able to worsen wounds, change or deform bodies, and gather information from their victims, among other things, but it is useless against non-blooded creatures.

  • Death – The Death Domain focuses on dealing necrotic damage to your opponents rather than assisting and healing allies. Because this subclass was created to serve wicked gods or deities, it has a powerful offensive value and even the ability to wield martial weapons, contrary to other Clerics.

  • Forge – These Clerics have a broad list of spells, a clear front-line position, and special utility and support options. Forge Domain Clerics are good as Defenders, and their damage is high enough that even when they aren’t casting spells, they can still be a threat in battle. 

  • Grave – The Grave Domain’s mission is to maintain a healthy balance between life and death. This subclass unusually combines damaging and healing abilities. Most of the abilities are useful, although a handful are ineffective or inefficient.

  • Knowledge – When it comes to missions where information is critical, Knowledge Domain Clerics shine. Many of the spells and abilities will feel pointless if the campaign doesn’t involve research or investigation-based tasks. What they lack in offensive and defensive strength, they more than make up in combat utility and roleplay.

  • Life – Clerics from the Life Domain are ideal for those who want to be their team’s healer. This subclass is commonly considered to be the best healer in the game. The Life Cleric can also serve as a front-line Defender due to their access to heavy armor, allowing them to do double duty as a Defender and a Healer. Fighting will almost entirely rely on spells or weapons, although this shouldn’t be a problem given the Cleric’s arsenal of powerful spells.

  • Light – The Light Cleric is a Striker and Controller whose primary goal is to deal harm to certain targets and locations. These Clerics already have some of the greatest destructive Radiant damage spells, and adding fire damage to the mix amplifies the attack.

  • Nature – Many helpful spells (animal friendship, talk with animals, and so on) as well as battle control spells are available to the subclass (plant growth, spike growth, wind wall). When all of these qualities are considered, a nature cleric is highly capable, particularly of being a bruiser, fighter, and support while driving opponents away.

  • Order – Clerics from the Order Domain excel at assisting allies, crowd control, and dealing with non-battle conditions. It’s an excellent option for Clerics that desire to lead or assist their group. In heavy armor, you’ll be more effective on the front lines, and Voice of Authority gives anyone in your group who can deliver large amounts of damage a tremendous force multiplier.

  • Peace – Despite possessing powerful protecting spells, Peace Domain Clerics’ unique traits give them overwhelming power. This subclass is well-known for its strength, as these clerics may render their team “unstoppable” by providing immunity to harm and deflecting damage from all directions.

  • Tempest – Although it gives no immediate advantages to your comrades in battle, it is a fun Subclass with great AOE damage and control. Tempest’s skills and spells provide a wide range of crowd control and area damage options, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with at long and short ranges.

  • Trickery – Cloning, invisibility, assisting in the dispelling of magic, mirroring, charming, and other abilities make Trickery Domain Clerics appear to be a cross between a Rogue and a Wizard. They are more vulnerable and unprotected in battle because they aren’t designed to tank, like other subclasses. It’s still a workable class with Carapace.

  • Twilight – Twilight Clerics oversee the turning of darkness into light and protect against the evils that lurk within the darkness. This Domain is a well-balanced subclass that specializes on the front lines, where they can both defend and threaten their opponents. The majority of their powers are made up of buffs, utility, defense, and assault.

  • War – These Clerics prioritize melee combat above casting spells. While this is an exciting concept with a lot of promise, combining the abilities of the subclasses could be difficult because many of them depend on Concentration or Bonus Actions.


  • A class that is in tune with the environment and elemental forces of nature. They’re capable of healing and transformation. This class is pretty tricky for Simic Hybrids. Wisdom is the primary option for the flexible ability score, and the Constitution will be put to good use. Carapace is useful for druids who have trouble keeping their AC up but bear in mind that Animal Enhancements will not work when in Wild Shape. 

  • Dreams –  Their magic fixes wounds and consoles grieving hearts, and the lands they guard are stunning places where dreams and reality merge and tired souls find peace. These Druids use Feywild magic to treat others and have a wide range of healing, scrying, and teleportation powers. While all Druids have certain healing and utility abilities, this Circle is solely dedicated to the art.

  • Land – The caster aspect of the Druid is essential to this Subclass. The location where they were admitted into the circle’s secret ceremonies has an impact on their strength. They have additional cantrips, the ability to replenish spell slots after a short rest, and a longer spell list containing poison and disease resistance in specific conditions.

  • Moon – Druids who go to extremes with their transformations. They can maintain their composure and effectively defend themselves from regular attacks even if they falter at the middle level. As a bonus action, you can wild shape to increase the number of creatures you can transform into with a greater difficulty rating. This allows you to transform into more powerful animals faster than in other Druid circles.

  • Shepherd – In Circle of the Shepherd, the Druid’s options for aiding their party and summoning more powerful animals via Conjure Animals and Conjure Fey are fantastic. If you enjoy calling on to creatures and aiding your friends, as well as chatting with woodland spirits and urging them to aid you in battle, this is an excellent choice.

  • Spores – The Circle of Spores views decay as an art form, giving the druid a variety of additional attack possibilities. These druids believe that life and death are two parts of a wider cycle, with one flowing to the other and then back again. Death is a transition from one condition to another, not the end of life. Spores and fungi can be employed to improve your combat skills, poison your opponents, and control dead bodies.

  • Stars – A Cosmic Omen support subclass with a lot of potential for damage and healing. Its distinct characteristic, Starry Form, functions as a battle burst comparable to Circle of Spore’s Symbiotic Entity or the Barbarian’s Rage. This is an extremely flexible subclass when it comes to fighting, healing, and switching between the two.

  • Wildfire -These druids make a bond with a primal spirit that can destroy as well as create, allowing them to manage flames to burn away one object while resurrecting another. In addition use for your wild shape, this subclass can provide you with a companion (or servant, if you like to give it a humanoid form and characteristics). You gain teleportation and fire blasting powers as additional to the fire-based talents.


  • A straightforward battle-professional class with the ability to fill the Tank, melee, and Ranged Damage roles. It is playable, although most fighters prefer Strength and Dexterity. Grappling Appendages appears to have been designed specifically for the Fighter. If you fail, you’ll have a lot of extra attacks and even do the Shove+Claw+Grapple sequence, then use a weapon to do massive amounts of damage after.

  • Arcane Archer –  Because they use ranged attacks, Arcane Archers have a reduced tanking duty than other Fighter subclasses. Arcane Archers are commonly built with this goal in mind, trying to deal massive damage while dodging being hit at all costs.

  • Battle Master – Combat is something a Battle Master must know, but it may also incorporate things like weapon smithing and calligraphy. These Fighters have abilities that enable you to get an advantage to attacks, scare opponents, counterattack, hit enemies when they miss and engage in a range of other fighting strategies. The best method for Battlemaster is to find cooperation with other factors.

  • Cavalier –  The Cavalier is a mounted warrior. Cavaliers are usually elites who are capable of commanding a cavalry charge or socializing in a regal court. They also learn how to protect those under their leadership, and they frequently do so. Cavaliers are exceptionally skilled melee combatants with a wide range of battle control methods even without a mount.

  • Champion – It’s a straightforward but effective subclass. For fighters, hitting a target with Crits more often is a key issue. If you want a simple-to-play class with strong stats, the Champion is the way to go. As a result, the Champion is an excellent choice for starters.

  • Echo Knight – The Echo Knight is a bizarre and terrifying Kryn Dynasty forefront fighter that has perfected the skill of summoning an Echo to aid them in combat using Dunamis. Echos are magical gray replicas of the Fighter that last until they are destroyed or ignored. They can use their echo to initiate attacks and exploit opportunities, as well as for tactical operations.

  • Eldritch Knight – Eldritch Knights are semi-casters who earn spell slots up to 4th level. They are bounded to the Wizard’s spell range and can primarily cast abjuration and evocation-based spells. Evocation spells inflict damage on a large number of opponents at once, extending the fighter’s fighting range. In battle, abjuration spells offer extra protection.

  • Gunslinger – They have the prospect to do great damage, but keeping consistency is difficult. Unless your DM is nice enough to enable you to keep some on hand, reloading their firearms involves the use of gunpowder, which necessitates the manufacturing of materials.

  • Psi Warrior – A Psi Warrior is a combatant who augments their physical strength with psionic-infused weapon blows, telekinetic lashing, and psychic force barriers. Because of its shield and bulwark abilities, this subclass’s defensive abilities are stronger than its offensive ones. They can utilize their weapons for melee and ranged strikes up to 30 feet away, which is astounding.

  • Purple Dragon Knight – A fantastic knight that can extend their basic Fighter abilities to other members of their party. The Purple Dragon Knight’s weakness is that it tries to make a warrior who is practically flawless in battle but quite average in other areas. It’s a terrific option if you’re in the right group. It also requires a higher than normal Charisma score.

  • Renegade –  With a similar problem to the Gunslinger, their capacity to do immense damage with a single shot (sniper) or harm one or more creatures with a quick shot defines them (pistoleer). At a high enough level, they can use tiny bombs.

  • Rune Knight – These warriors empower their weapons and armor with incredible abilities by using runes, a giant’s language. In the past, giants produced runes, which are ancient glyphs with enigmatic abilities. You have a variety of runes to pick from that can boost your Fighter or have particular effects. Some of these benefits enhance or supplement your racial talents.

  • Samurai – The Samurai is a brutal Striker that is straight to the point about dealing damage. Samurai are fearsome warriors with unrivaled combat abilities. Like the Cavalier, you’ll get additional talents. In intense fights, they can even use all three of their additional action talents to gain an edge in three rounds of battle.


  • Contrary to most assumptions, Monks do not serve deities like Clerics but rather uphold teachings through discipline. Dexterity & Wisdom are the best ASIs for this class although Constitution is helpful too. Carapace is an excellent supplement for monks who fight unarmored and in melee range.

  • Ascendant Dragon – The Ascendant Dragon’s Way can carry out various functions. It turns the Monk into a blaster, giving them the ability to battle crowds in a way that no other monk subtype can. You gradually learn new abilities like flight and a type of Frightful Presence that helps you keep enemies at bay while fighting.

  • Astral Self – Astral Self lets this Monk devote more time to Wisdom while maintaining the class’s martial abilities. It enables them to develop an astral form that can provide them with night vision, a bonus to Wisdom and Charisma saving throws, and strange but useful psionic communication. Aside from that, most of their early abilities allow them to do anything that any other monk can do.

  • Cobalt Soul – A wise monk observes their adversary and acts in accordance with their knowledge—basically assessing before attacking. They may expose a creature’s traits such as Damage Vulnerabilities, Damage Resistance, and their darkest thoughts when they utilize their flurry of strikes and label their opponents examined.

  • Drunken Master – It allows you to concentrate on the Monk’s role as a Striker by allowing you to utilize a strike-and-run strategy to keep them alive and out of harm’s way. Interestingly, Way of the Drunken Master focuses on free movement, giving it a great option for individuals who prefer to travel around the battlefield.

  • Four Elements – Because of its power to cast spells, this Monk Subclass is one of the most versatile and distinct of the Subclasses. It has a druidic touch to it, commanding fish, plants, mountains, and cresting waves. It’s a battle control subclass that most monks don’t use very frequently. The elemental arts, on the other hand, require a lot of ki points, therefore Flurry of Blows will nearly always be used.

  • Kensei – A armed monk who can launch massive ranged weapon strikes. They gain an armor class bonus for their ability to counter. While this delivers a minor damage boost, Agile Parry’s phrase renders the Kensei’s major function useless (perhaps by accident) so it’s best to discuss with your DM when taking this subclass.

  • Long Death – The Monk is exceedingly tough to kill due to Way of the Long Death’s excellent tankiness, but they’re limited in offensive and utility choices. Nonetheless, the Monk can handle themselves. These monks can withstand a killing strike as long as they have a ki point. No one dares to challenge or fight them because they can be frightening.

  • Mercy  – These Monks have perfected the use of Ki to treat and harm others, as well as their Healing talent. This Monk can’t beat the Cleric, but they may now add Healer to their Scout and Striker duties. They have the potential to fix issues and even raise the dead to extraordinary levels.

  • Open Hand – Open Hand offers a set of excellent, well-balanced abilities to help the Monk’s main abilities perform as efficiently as possible. Their strategy can increase the reward of using one of your limited Ki points to earn an extra attack greatly. Opponents who lose a Constitution save are effectively killed.

  • Shadow – The monks of the Way of Shadow have a lengthy legacy of mystery and treachery. These monks are assassins and spies who are also known as ninjas or shadow dancers. The monk gains near-magical skills from the Way of Shadow, allowing them to execute feats far more extraordinary than merely striking objects with exponential speeds. They can copy the properties of certain spells and travel in the shadows using their ki.

  • Sun Soul – These Monks turn their vital energy into brilliant light bolts that resemble those of the Sun. This Subclass mixes a Monk’s fighting powers with the range attributes of a Blaster or ranged Striker, letting them be used simultaneously. Because the features don’t require Ki to function, they endure a long time, but their damage is limited if you don’t use Ki.


  • As a Paladin, righteous fighters must fully commit to an oath dedicated to certain beliefs, practically crusaders that uphold the ideals of the deities they serve. Paladins are Charisma semi-spellcasters who are good as tanky damage dealers. They can be built in many ways but the Carapace won’t work with heavy armor.

  • Ancients – The Light of the Ancients is protected by Paladins of the Oath of the Ancients, which is a goal that has a lot of leeway for interpretation. This Subclass gives you access to supernatural crowd control and tools that other paladins don’t have, as well as Misty Step, which allows you to move around easily.

  • Conquest – It’s a solid combination of crowd control and offensive options, and it considerably increases the Paladin’s damage output. It also gives the Paladin some useful skills for managing large groups of opponents, which other paladins find challenging. Their spells and channel divinity options are designed to subdue and overwhelm opponents in combat.

  • Crown – These Paladins are proficient at drawing attention away from their most vulnerable teammates to themselves, making them a fantastic Defender build. Additional oath talents enable them to absorb damage for their comrades, saving your squad time and resources from needing to heal multiple people in a fight.

  • Devotion – Most people associate “Paladin” with the Oath of Devotion Paladin. The Oath of Devotion is taken by Paladins to safeguard the weak and preserve the law. If you’re unsure which class to choose or if you’re a newbie to the game and want to gain experience, this is a decent option with a decent ratio of talents.

  • Glory – These Paladins use buffs and support features to help people around them achieve amazing feats. The spell options are mostly dependent on Concentrating, and while the perks of Channel Divinity are amazing, they will rapidly wear off, pushing you to seek out new spell chevaliers. The remaining attributes in the subclass are either exceptional or situational, so you’ll utilize some of them often and others only sometimes.

  • Oathbreaker – The basic Paladin formula is practically turned upside down when they break their commitment to serve themselves or a terrible cause. Their immoral energy can also cause death and devastation to people who come into contact with them, as well as necrotic action. The spell list is incredible, with a lot of offensive prospects and consistent damage.

  • Open Sea – They’re sea-loving paladins with wanderlust and a desire for adventure. They’ve mastered the ability to produce fog to conceal themselves and their friends. With Fury of the Tides, they can knock their opponents back up to 10″ ft, which would be great in a water/pirate-themed game. Ultimately, the efficiency of this subclass depends on the situation, especially considering the campaign theme.

  • Redemption – Over other Paladins, the Oath of Redemption Paladin prefers more peaceful alternatives when it comes to dealing with conflict. Charisma should be favored over Strength/Constitution because they will rely on spells and special skills rather than physical strength. It’s unusually a caster in many aspects.

  • Vengeance – In Oath of Vengeance, the Paladin’s striker talents are emphasized, to quickly eliminate opponents rather than rely on defensive techniques. Due to their innate durability and the Oath of Vengeance’s power to kill stuff, the Paladin is an excellent solo character. The Oath of Vengeance is a fantastic choice for being the party’s main damage dealer if your team has enough support members.

  • Watchers – Because Paladins of the Oath of the Watchers excel in fighting extraplanar threats, the campaign type has a significant impact on their role. Many of the features of Oath of the Watcher will be unavailable since your paladin will go extended periods without confronting extraplanar opponents. These guardians are one of the lesser specialized Oaths in terms of mechanics.


  • A ranger is a survival expert and employs their expertise in the wilderness to track down enemies, provide tactical benefits in battle, and are the most effective martial class against large groups of adversaries. Dexterity is the best option here since it builds the class better than Wisdom.  Due to their limited hit dice, Rangers sometimes struggle with hit points, making the Constitution advantage extremely valuable. Ranger builds are most likely to use Nimble Climber and Carapace as Animal Enhancements.

  • Beast Master – Sole rangers that have a beast with them in the subclass pack. You may gear up your animal companion with gear and use it as a meat shield while you deal with the damage, basically giving you a free bag of hit points. When the ranger is away, your buddy gets a turn as well, which is preferable to having no turn at all when stunned or incapacitated.

  • Drakewarden – The Ranger has a Drake Partner, a draconic spirit that the Drakewarden can transform into physical form. The drake is a strong and flexible pet that may be utilized as a frontline martial character in almost any party.

  • Fey Wanderer – This subclass provides resistance to charm and terror. This talent pushes you to attack several opponents at once rather than focusing on one at a time. In addition to what has already been discussed, you can recruit the help of fey beings.

  • Gloom Stalker – Gloom stalkers are notorious for their stealth, ambush tactics, and powerful attacks. In utter darkness, the Gloom Stalker is outright deadly so it’s worth learning the Darkvision spell so they may cast it on the one party member who doesn’t have it. Unfortunately, if the game seldom contains or involves darkness, employing the being invisible in the darkness talent is tough.

  • Horizon Walker – Horizon Walkers are multidimensional Rangers who protect the realm-to-realm portals. They may not be as crafty and secretive as the Gloom Stalker, but they are no less dangerous. Horizon Walkers have several abilities that let them travel between planes, but their most notable talent is the ability to teleport while attacking in battle.

  • Hunter -The Hunter is an easy but effective martial choice considering that it’s quite modest and lacks the showy magic visible in lots of ranger subclasses. The Hunter offers the strong build options of any ranger subclass, allowing you to tailor your character to your preferred playstyle and group role. The hunter has good sustained damage in the game against heavily grouped opponents but isn’t overpowered.

  • Monster Slayer – The Monster Slayer is like a less complicated version of the Hunter in many aspects. It has similar capabilities but without customization choices due to subclass features. However, it remains a useful and effective subclass, having a good balance of damage and toughness. The Monster Slayer is a good option for those that want to be a basic ranger.

  • Swarmkeeper – They can conjure swarms of creatures such as locusts, roaches, various insects, twig blights, birds, and fairies. They have the ability to move enemies and obstacles away from the defensive line or into melee with their frontliners as an archer, they’re essentially great frontline crowd control.


  • Because of their role as the party’s scout and the nature of their fighting abilities, rogues are among the most difficult melee classes to play. To get out of sticky circumstances and be tactical, rogues need a lot of Dexterity and, most importantly, wits. Apart from choosing Dexterity as your bonus ASI, unless you choose the Thief subclass- which already has this trait- Nimble Climber will make missions a whole lot easier.

  • Arcane Trickster -They pick up the benefits of enchantment while leveling up as an Arcane Trickster Rogue. They are versatile and competent in performing stealth attacks on a normal basis and in less-than-ideal circumstances. However, it must be noted that they aren’t full casters, and all of their spells are Intelligence-based.

  • Assassin – Because of its ability to create false identities, impersonate voices, and virtually replace another person, it is classified as a trap subclass. They concentrate their training on the dreadful art of death. Because assassins’ skills don’t always blend nicely with the rest of the party, they’re better suited to solo or tactical labor.

  • Inquisitive -They are given talents in investigation, such as analyzing an opponent’s technique and arranging a countering. Nevertheless, this class limits you to investigation, interrogation, lie-detection, and detective work in a campaign unless you multiclass or have any other skills.

  • Mastermind – Secrets and favors are among your favorite possessions. You’re an expert in attacking with information as much as with knives or poison. They have a lot of infiltration and imitation skills, which allows them to nearly flawlessly pass themselves off as somebody else and learn stuff that other players can’t. Masterminds, though capable of fighting, lean more on doing social “battles” than an actual battle.

  • Phantom  – It’s a subclass that takes some time to build. When they conclude a short or long rest, they can achieve one skill or tool proficiency of their choice, as a ghostly presence giving wisdom and knowledge to them. They also have floating skill competency and the ability to deal necrotic damage.

  • Scout – Scouts are skilled at exploring, scouting, and moving ahead of their companions, as well as surviving and living far from populated areas, letting them scout ahead of their party. This allows them to keep the company alive while traveling hazardous terrain and providing information when approaching hazardous situations or environments.

  • Soulknife -The Subclass has a psychic ability that allows them to perform exceptionally well on skill checks along with consistent talent and/or knowledge. They can keep track of the party while communicating in real-time, secretly, or at a distance thanks to their telepathy which also doesn’t require communication in a common tongue.

  • Swashbuckler – Swashbucklers are a fast-moving fighter-thief subclass. They can make it more difficult for the group to be attacked and minimize surprise attacks. The Swashbuckler engages in a variety of voluntary Acrobatics and Athletics moves and checks during combat.

  • Thief – The subclass is made for utility and stealth instead of combat. When used properly, their bonus action allows them to be efficient in using their equipment. Like Healer kits that can aid the party in an emergency while without disturbing their action economy (especially when no healer is present). With Fast Hands as a bonus action, they can set small traps, attack with poison, acid, and potions, or even heal while doing something else.


  • Sorcerers’ magic is passed down through the generations rather than learned via Arcane studies. Sorcerers have a smaller magic list, fewer spells they can learn as they level up, and fewer spell slots than Wizards. Their most popular combat positions are Blaster, Controller, Striker, and Utility Caster. Having a +1 in Charisma is better than none and Carapace is a good choice for squishy subclasses.

  • Aberrant Mind – An extraterrestrial bestows telepathic abilities to this Sorcerer. The aberrant mind sorcerer has a handy ability to switch out bonus spells for other ones if you do not need or want one. They can then cast any of their bonus spells as a minor spell for nearly little cost, receiving more action as a result.

  • Clockwork Soul -These Sorcerers’The subclass has spells acquired from the Cleric and Wizard, as well as methods for dealing with a wide range of issues. On the other hand, the Clockwork Soul relies heavily on its spell list. power originates from a distant plane or through Modron’s schemes. The subclass has spell skills learned from the Cleric and Wizard, and also tools for managing a variety of problems. The Clockwork Soul, on the other hand, is significantly dependent on its spell list. They acquire new spells that don’t count against their total number of spells. They can employ Restore Balance to help their team by taking advantage of benefits and drawbacks that would otherwise harm or help their opponents.

  • Divine Soul – Sorcerers who have access to the Cleric’s spell list and divine entity-derived powers. Due to their comprehension of armor and shields, Divine Soul Sorcerers have a high level of endurance, as well as a variety of defensive bonuses and healing. They can improve their skills by boosting hit probability, defense, healing, and weapon attacks, among other things. While their abilities sound incredible, their spell selection is limited, but attacking them would be like confronting them nude.

  • Draconic Bloodline – Their magical abilities either come from their ancestor’s draconic blood or have been given a blessing by a dragon. They get the equal of Mage Armor and wings frequently. Which Draconic Ancestor they have determines the type of extra elemental damage they can do. The downside is that they must use a sorcery point only after performing an elemental spell to gain a temporary damage immunity.

  • Rune Child – A sorcerer whose strength is founded on magical runes and who can absorb and maintain arcane energy. A Rune Child with no sorcery points and no charged runes can charge one rune as an action, or a Rune Child with no sorcery points and no charged runes can charge one rune as an action. It’s worth noting that this subclass is pretty old not just in the D&D-verse but also that it hasn’t been updated in awhile

  • Shadow Sorcery – The Shadowfell is responsible for their innate magic. These Sorcerers have a strange development of becoming more and more corpse-like as they level up (not the rotting kind). Shadow sorcery has numerous interesting techniques, such as conjuring a shadow dog and being difficult to kill, aside from the dark edgy feel to the subclass.

  • Storm Sorcery – Their strength is determined by the strength of the elemental air. It’s a good subclass to try if you want to be some kind of thunder god, use lightning and thunder, and deal extra damage to foes within 10 feet. The powers of sorcerers are more geared to melee combat, but they need a strong defense.

  • Wild Magic – They develop powers to control and tame Wild Magic, including the ability to bend luck, reduce hazards, and increase damage. The main issue is that the spell has the potential to harm either the party or the intended target. However,  It shouldn’t stop anyone from taking this subclass because it can be exciting and interesting, and precautions can be done with the help of the DM.


  • Warlocks gain their abilities after vowing allegiance to a patron, eldritch entity, deity, or demon (although not all patrons are limited to these). They are solely focused on casting spells and their spell caster has a few quirks that distinguish them from others apart from power permanently granted to them via a pact with a powerful being that doesn’t necessarily need to be a deity. Like the Sorcerer, these casters rely on Charisma to do their tasks.

  • Archfey – The Archfey Warlock uses the fey’s glamour or illusion, cunning, enchantment, and magic to captivate foes’ minds. Because spellcasting improves your skills without adding significant complexity, the Archfey is an excellent option for somewhat newbie players who want to learn more about spellcasting classes.

  • Celestial – These Warlocks channel the power of an entity from the Upper Planes into divine energy. If you prefer healing but also wish to become a Warlock, the Celestial is a good choice. There’s a combination of fantastic healing and substandard blasting on top of the Warlock’s basic skills.

  • Fathomless – The subclass’s traits effectively represent the fact that this type of Warlock is a servant of an aquatic creature, entity, or being. Working on or near water, on the other hand, accounts for a large percentage of the subcategory. You’ll swiftly lose significance if your patron sends you to perform their bidding on dry soil. To be productive, you’ll need a lot of water, regardless of your racial features.

  • Fiend – With a blast of dark energy, this Subclass summons the might of the Nine Hells to cause chaos upon your opponents. The Fiend mostly gives offensive choices to aid the Warlock in doing greater damage, but it also has several extremely effective defensive abilities. The Elemental Adept feat must be studied because the Fiend is essentially a blaster that depends heavily on fire damage.

  • Genie – They make a deal with a genie to get elemental power and the genie’s legendary wish-granting abilities. To come up with creative uses for many of the spell options and class skills, you’ll need some thought and patience. If you’re an experienced player, this is a terrific option, but if you’re new to the game, you might have better success with other subclasses.

  • Great Old One – The Subclass is a set of choices for gaining strength from the unknown while remaining sane. While some of the abilities are highly powerful, many are situational and cannot be employed regularly. The spells and features offer a diverse range of options, and the spooky, cultish atmosphere of gaining strength from an eldritch creature is ideal for the Warlock.

  • Hexblade -Warlocks that want to fight in melee will have a hard time finding a better tool than the Hexblade. To channel their skills, they employ a weapon summoned from the domain of shadows. When all of the Hexblade’s capabilities, including its extensive spell list, are combined, it becomes a truly fearsome weapon threat capable of matching or exceeding damage.

  • Undying – The Undying is outmatched by other patrons. The reason for this is that the majority of the powers are situational, and the Undying has few options for creative problem-solving. You have a few options for healing yourself and your friends, but they’re all decent on their own but inadequate when compared to the Celestial Warlock’s Healing Light feature.


  • Wizards are casters that have mastered the fundamental forces of magic to harness them for their agendas. They have an unparalleled spell list from which they can construct spells every day to ensure that they are ready for whatever may arise. Unfortunately, they’re weak in terms of physical strength and spellcasting requires Intelligence.

  • Abjuration – The School of Abjuration is dedicated to the regulating, banishment, and protection of magic. They’re hardy, but it doesn’t mean they’re built to fight physically. They are bigger and more defensive than other Wizards (in power not in character).

  • Bladesinging – The Wizard can fight in melee all while casting all of his spells thanks to this subclass. Using high armor, haste, misty steps, Contingency combinations, and so on can make it more thrilling. They have to fight smart; else, a single strike will drive them into the danger zone.

  • Chronurgist – This subclass has a variety of free stun spells, the power to enslave creatures from afar, and the capacity to deny opponents a turn in combat. They can be combined to make a free spell storage ring. Everyone in the party can be given a companion (pet) to aid them in combat.

  • Conjuration – This wizard’s specialty is teleporting and conjuring creatures and objects. In principle, it isn’t the most powerful subclass, but it is still a capable wizard. You can try out the Conjuration school of magic using School of Conjuration, but you won’t be allowed to play as a summoner until you reach 10th level.

  • Divination -These Wizards utilize saving rolls to dramatically alter outcomes and even replace the opposing dice roll. Because of their capacity to see into the past, present, and future, they are highly sought after. They may not be the most powerful in combat, but they strive to learn discernment, far vision, fantastical knowledge, and foresight spells.

  • Enchantment – These wizards can charm people and make beasts obey their commands by altering and changing their memories. Attribute enhancements are perfect for your needs because you count on many features. You have two talents to pick from, allowing you to use abilities like Deception that isn’t on the wizard’s list.

  • Evocation – A powerful elemental subclass that is versatile and flexible. To assist them to stand out, they have a tiny handful of spells that cause extra damage. This makes them friendly for newbies while still being effective and functional.

  • Graviturgist – Graviturgy wizards learn to twist and use gravity to their advantage, to the catastrophic disadvantage of their enemies. A Graviturgist can achieve a lot, but just because they have gravitational powers doesn’t mean they can fight on the front lines. These Wizards are more akin to spellcasters on the sidelines than front-line blasters.

  • Illusion – A subclass that studies the magic that enchants the senses, perplexes the mind, and fools even the brightest of people. Your magic is subtle, yet your acute intellect creates illusions that make the impossible seem true. Some illusionists are harmless con artists who utilize their spells to amuse people while some malicious deception masters.

  • Necromancy – They awaken the dead and create an undead army capable of conquering their opponents. The sole disadvantage is that zombies cannot use armor or fire weapons (unless the DM allows it). They can be used to build a massive barrier, but they wouldn’t be able to cause much damage. Skeletons aren’t invincible but a huge group of the undead isn’t to be understated.

  • Order of Scribes – Because they don’t have to pack a spellbook, this Wizard is possibly the most academic of all Wizards. It’s still debatable whether this subclass allows you to pay anything or nothing at all, but it provides convenience without the “wow” factor that comes with being a Wizard.

  • Transmutation –  These Wizards have an Artificer-like vibe due to their ability to transform materials at will and matter into anything they see fit. Resistances, con saves, speed boosts, and darkvision are just a few of the abilities they can deploy. Regardless, they are thought to have little to give because certain beneficial traits require time to develop.

  • War Magic – Because it isn’t showy, these wizards appear to be ineffective on paper. If you have at least a 13 in Intelligence, War Magic is an excellent multiclassing choice. Because it focuses on maintaining and sustaining concentration, it’s a solid pick for battle control spells.

Racial Feats/Best Feats

  • Darkvision:  You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

  • Animal Enhancements. Your body has been altered with animal characteristics. You choose one animal enhancement now and one at 5th level.

    • 1st level

      • Manta Glide – You have ray-like fins that you use as wings to slow your fall or allow you to glide. When you fall and are not incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating your fall damage and can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you fall.

      • Nimble Climber – You have a climb speed equal to your walk speed.

      • Underwater Adaptation – You can breathe air and water, and you gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

    • 5th level

      • Grappling Appendages – You have two special appendages growing alongside your arms. Choose whether they’re both claws or tentacles. As an action, you can use one of them to grapple a creature. Each one is also a natural weapon, which you can use to make an unarmed strike. If you hit, they do 1D6 + your strength modifier bludgeon damage. Immediately after hitting, you can try to grapple the target as a bonus action. These appendages are not dexterous enough to use weapons, magic weapons, and other specialized equipment.

      • Carapace – Your skin in places is covered by a thick shell. You gain a +1 to your AC when not wearing heavy armor.

      • Acid Spit – As an action, you can spray acid from glands in your mouth, targeting one creature or object you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. The target takes 2D10 acid damage if they fail. The damage increases to 3D10 at 11th level and 4D10 at 17th level. You can use this up to your Constitution modifier’s worth of times per long rest.

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